When we think about getting fitter and healthier, we automatically think about nutrition and exercise. But there are other very important factors which can have a big impact on the quality of life, such as our environment.
The quality of it determines often how healthy we live and for how long. Clean air, soil and water are vital for the good functioning of our body and mind and a peaceful environment has always a calming effect, improving mood and sleep.
So it is only logical that we should pay attention not only to what we do (to) ourselves, but also to our surroundings. That is why one of the question I ask my clients is about their environment: how would they describe it, whether it supports their lifestyle and goals and what they could do to improve it.
Here are some tips of what I do to keep my environment healthy and relieve a bit the burden brought of the modern lifestyle
- being careful with the resources and eliminating waste as much as possible:water, gas, electricity, food, fuel etc. We turn off the heating when we are away, take short showers,
- growing your own food even if it's only some fresh herbs on the window sill. Every little bit counts
- buying local, seasonal products wherever possible. This is beneficial to the local economy and budget as well as providing better nutrients in food
- using as much as possible responsible public transportation and/or biking, walking
- reusing, repurposing and recycling as much as possible: ex using old glass jars and boxes for storage, buying and selling second hand clothes, toys, furniture etc.
- detox the skincare and household products by choosing natural, biological products and limiting the used quantity
- replacing where possible medicine with essential oils (check my articles and seminars on aromatherapy)
- going outdoors. There is no better way to learn to appreciate nature than experiencing it!
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